Friday, October 8, 2010

Recent technology:Mobile phone

*Sprint black berry bold 9650
Just for $200(2 years contract),you can
buy this smart sprint phone.This recent
good smart phone includes all new things
of technology.It is a real good news for
sprint users.

recent technology

*Nokia E7
This is a smart mobile set of nokia.This
smart phone E7 has some brand new features
like you can make powerpoint presentations
on the go.Its includes stainless steel body,
sleek cuts.Mainly,this smart phone can satisfied
your mind.
  • Now a days,the modern age is an age of technology.There is no aspect of our life that is not influenced by technology.Modern technology has made our life easier and more comfortable.The wonders of  modern technology make us surprised.It presents us newer wonders.We use many other things in our everyday life and it is difficult to name and describe all of them.It has added a new dimension in our,the whole world is largely dependent on it.Without modern technology we cannot think of our modern life.Technology is a blessing for humane being.